Yozuca*Rinoet al — Santa Claus ni Yoyaku Shite! : как стать саппортом в osu

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Немного истории — игра увидела свет в 2007 году в качестве компьютерного приложения игры как стать саппортом в osu elite beat agents для Nintendo. С тех пор Osu! многократно увеличила набор игровых возможностей и вызывает неослабевающий интерес у поклонников rhythm game

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Yozuca*Rinoet al — Santa Claus ni Yoyaku Shite! — Видео

Содержание помощи к OSU

Shite being Scottish

It’s SHITE being Scottish! We’re the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don’t. They’re just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can’t even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We’re ruled by effete assholes. It’s a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won’t make any fucking difference!

King balor»,»»,1383779135809,,[]
пишет: ummmm no . the word keltio is a roman word for anyone not roman . it simple means savage . which is why nearly half of europe is considered celtic . watch this Hidden Histories: What is a Celt? — YouTube. the celts are no more real than santa or the easter bunny

пишет: celts were an ethnolinguistic group of tribal societies in Iron Age and Medieval Europe who spoke Celtic languages and had a similar culture,although the relationship between the ethnic, linguistic and cultural elements remains uncertain and controversial.

King balor»,»»,1383699964235,,[]
пишет: the word scottish comes from the word . scotti scotia . which was a tribe from Ireland . how ever there seem to be a number of Irish tribes . such as the Hiberni which are shaddy pershaps did not exist and Iberni and the dési much later on . Autini/Auteini
Volunti (identifiable with Ulaidh/Uluti tribe) ulaidhs became the O'neills . so clearly they werent single entity . but rather the same people with deffiernt idea's .

Marcelo Henrique»,»»,1383679819977,,[]
пишет: Mark Renton is Scottish lol

sergio rodriguez garcia»,»»,1383587739376,,[]
пишет: i hate english people

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383181324987,,[]
пишет: What is it like to be King of the Philistines?

пишет: predicted that response almost verbatim… later troll… enjoy your many posts

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383158507414,,[]
пишет: What is Life?

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383158476569,,[]
пишет: I am not a dictionary.

Mark O’Hare»,»»,1383155617153,,[]
пишет: AMEN

пишет: if by 'Tories' you mean 'common sense.

Rory Macleod»,»»,1383055371307,,[]
пишет: That kid in the corner just so happens to be the oil capital of the Europe. You look silly trying to make out that Scotland is a destined to fail, and that we are a child you English keep that you want to pawn off on the Social. We could probably survive on Aberdoom alone.

пишет: My x is Scottish her father was the most hated SOB in a plant that employed 800 people.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382818883129,,[]
пишет: Sigh. I hate to admit it, but (as I've been told many a time by my part-time lover, part-time nemesis Leighton) I am a sucker for the sarcasm. So, I will grant you an explanation, despite my better judgement. Here goes… "math."

пишет: I'm English, and I would vote yes. If just to be rid of all this.

I actually don't think we are fundamentally different, I just think that a lot of the Scottish have a lot of historical anger that gets in the way of clear modern thought. I would rather this isle stay united, but, tbh, who can be bothered with the kid in the corner having a tantrum constantly.

I am pro independence, pro giving enough rope to hang yourselves, pro a little bit of bloody piece and quiet.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735964617,,[]
пишет: No.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735942072,,[]
пишет: You bore me.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735911214,,[]
пишет: I don't see the question this comment is in response to. Did it get deleted?

Mai Nem»,»»,1382687028854,,[]
пишет: Vote Yes.

Then we can finally have no complaints against the English.

Will we stand as the innovative nation we are?
Or will we be dragged down with England, whose day is completely done to the extent where they have sold off all that can be sold and are operating cut-price lip-service policies?

Not for me — not for Scotland.

Vote Yes — we're collectively just too different mentally to the English.
Otherwise we would expect a large number of Tories to be put in in Scotland.

Drew Steele»,»»,1382353512827,,[]
пишет: Top two in my movie collection, the movie behind or ahead of this one? "clockwork orange" damn i'm twisted

пишет: Better than being jewish.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382160700764,,[]
пишет: How am I not myself?

burak gs»,»»,1382137997144,,[]
пишет: its shite being turk

Trey Myles»,»»,1382043574280,,[]
пишет: That's just Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan Kenobi saying this to either Anakin Skywalker or whatever the fuck he's talking to.

пишет: It's shite being German, believe me

пишет: Old English Scottas (plural) "inhabitants of Ireland, Irishmen," from Late Latin Scotti (c.400), of uncertain origin, perhaps from Celtic (but answering to no known tribal name; Irish Scots appears to be a Latin borrowing). The name followed the Irish tribe which invaded Scotland 6c. C.E. after the Romans withdrew from Britain, and after the time of Alfred the Great the Old English word described only the Irish who had settled in the northwest of Britain.

пишет: oh Ewan you´ve never been in argentina, that would change your mind lol

Naval Bombardment»,»»,1381541550912,,[]
пишет: how is it not

Sozlled .»,»»,1381413237189,,[]
пишет: I say you're a troll and not a very good one at that.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381355429893,,[]
пишет: Scoff.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381355400949,,[]
пишет: The irony is palpable. So much so, that my butler Randley laughed so hard he very nearly shit his pants.

What SAY you, Fool?

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381262040009,,[]
пишет: I'm afraid I shan't deign to.

Good Day.

Sozlled .»,»»,1381241080314,,[]
пишет: Then please, present your evidence.

Sozlled .»,»»,1381146406376,,[]
пишет: It is in fact correct. From the word Sot..

late Old English sott "stupid person, fool," from Old French sot, from Gallo-Romance *sott- (cf. Medieval Latin sottus, c.800), of uncertain origin, with cognates from Portugal to Germany. Meaning "one who is stupefied with drink" first recorded 1590s. As a verb, it is attested from late 14c. (implied in sotted).

Trey Myles»,»»,1381020939125,,[]
пишет: Its shite being in Star Wars! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking galaxy. The most miserable, pathetic servile lightsabers that's ever shat on Alderaan. Some people hate the Dark Side, I don't, they're just Yoda. We on the other hand are colonized by Yoda. Can't even find a Jedi Master to be colonized by, we are ruled by effete amateurs, it's a shite state affairs to be in and Jar-Jar Binks won't make any fucking difference!!!

Никита Писарев»,»»,1381000141088,,[]
пишет: for other nations

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1380912650962,,[]
пишет: Wrong.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1380912601341,,[]
пишет: Absolutely.

cameron cartex»,»»,1380827680032,,[]
пишет: so true i'm scottish

Sozlled .»,»»,1380717234761,,[]
пишет: I wonder what the etymology of that word is, any Google search for it just reverts to "Scottish".

Oh and it's DEFINITELY a coincidence.

Monika Heinze»,»»,1380630849048,,[]
пишет: true

King balor»,»»,1383779135809,,[]
пишет: ummmm no . the word keltio is a roman word for anyone not roman . it simple means savage . which is why nearly half of europe is considered celtic . watch this Hidden Histories: What is a Celt? — YouTube. the celts are no more real than santa or the easter bunny

пишет: celts were an ethnolinguistic group of tribal societies in Iron Age and Medieval Europe who spoke Celtic languages and had a similar culture,although the relationship between the ethnic, linguistic and cultural elements remains uncertain and controversial.

King balor»,»»,1383699964235,,[]
пишет: the word scottish comes from the word . scotti scotia . which was a tribe from Ireland . how ever there seem to be a number of Irish tribes . such as the Hiberni which are shaddy pershaps did not exist and Iberni and the dési much later on . Autini/Auteini
Volunti (identifiable with Ulaidh/Uluti tribe) ulaidhs became the O'neills . so clearly they werent single entity . but rather the same people with deffiernt idea's .

Marcelo Henrique»,»»,1383679819977,,[]
пишет: Mark Renton is Scottish lol

sergio rodriguez garcia»,»»,1383587739376,,[]
пишет: i hate english people

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383181324987,,[]
пишет: What is it like to be King of the Philistines?

пишет: predicted that response almost verbatim… later troll… enjoy your many posts

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383158507414,,[]
пишет: What is Life?

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1383158476569,,[]
пишет: I am not a dictionary.

Mark O’Hare»,»»,1383155617153,,[]
пишет: AMEN

пишет: if by 'Tories' you mean 'common sense.

Rory Macleod»,»»,1383055371307,,[]
пишет: That kid in the corner just so happens to be the oil capital of the Europe. You look silly trying to make out that Scotland is a destined to fail, and that we are a child you English keep that you want to pawn off on the Social. We could probably survive on Aberdoom alone.

пишет: My x is Scottish her father was the most hated SOB in a plant that employed 800 people.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382818883129,,[]
пишет: Sigh. I hate to admit it, but (as I've been told many a time by my part-time lover, part-time nemesis Leighton) I am a sucker for the sarcasm. So, I will grant you an explanation, despite my better judgement. Here goes… "math."

пишет: I'm English, and I would vote yes. If just to be rid of all this.

I actually don't think we are fundamentally different, I just think that a lot of the Scottish have a lot of historical anger that gets in the way of clear modern thought. I would rather this isle stay united, but, tbh, who can be bothered with the kid in the corner having a tantrum constantly.

I am pro independence, pro giving enough rope to hang yourselves, pro a little bit of bloody piece and quiet.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735964617,,[]
пишет: No.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735942072,,[]
пишет: You bore me.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382735911214,,[]
пишет: I don't see the question this comment is in response to. Did it get deleted?

Mai Nem»,»»,1382687028854,,[]
пишет: Vote Yes.

Then we can finally have no complaints against the English.

Will we stand as the innovative nation we are?
Or will we be dragged down with England, whose day is completely done to the extent where they have sold off all that can be sold and are operating cut-price lip-service policies?

Not for me — not for Scotland.

Vote Yes — we're collectively just too different mentally to the English.
Otherwise we would expect a large number of Tories to be put in in Scotland.

Drew Steele»,»»,1382353512827,,[]
пишет: Top two in my movie collection, the movie behind or ahead of this one? "clockwork orange" damn i'm twisted

пишет: Better than being jewish.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1382160700764,,[]
пишет: How am I not myself?

burak gs»,»»,1382137997144,,[]
пишет: its shite being turk

Trey Myles»,»»,1382043574280,,[]
пишет: That's just Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan Kenobi saying this to either Anakin Skywalker or whatever the fuck he's talking to.

пишет: It's shite being German, believe me

пишет: Old English Scottas (plural) "inhabitants of Ireland, Irishmen," from Late Latin Scotti (c.400), of uncertain origin, perhaps from Celtic (but answering to no known tribal name; Irish Scots appears to be a Latin borrowing). The name followed the Irish tribe which invaded Scotland 6c. C.E. after the Romans withdrew from Britain, and after the time of Alfred the Great the Old English word described only the Irish who had settled in the northwest of Britain.

пишет: oh Ewan you´ve never been in argentina, that would change your mind lol

Naval Bombardment»,»»,1381541550912,,[]
пишет: how is it not

Sozlled .»,»»,1381413237189,,[]
пишет: I say you're a troll and not a very good one at that.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381355429893,,[]
пишет: Scoff.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381355400949,,[]
пишет: The irony is palpable. So much so, that my butler Randley laughed so hard he very nearly shit his pants.

What SAY you, Fool?

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1381262040009,,[]
пишет: I'm afraid I shan't deign to.

Good Day.

Sozlled .»,»»,1381241080314,,[]
пишет: Then please, present your evidence.

Sozlled .»,»»,1381146406376,,[]
пишет: It is in fact correct. From the word Sot..

late Old English sott "stupid person, fool," from Old French sot, from Gallo-Romance *sott- (cf. Medieval Latin sottus, c.800), of uncertain origin, with cognates from Portugal to Germany. Meaning "one who is stupefied with drink" first recorded 1590s. As a verb, it is attested from late 14c. (implied in sotted).

Trey Myles»,»»,1381020939125,,[]
пишет: Its shite being in Star Wars! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking galaxy. The most miserable, pathetic servile lightsabers that's ever shat on Alderaan. Some people hate the Dark Side, I don't, they're just Yoda. We on the other hand are colonized by Yoda. Can't even find a Jedi Master to be colonized by, we are ruled by effete amateurs, it's a shite state affairs to be in and Jar-Jar Binks won't make any fucking difference!!!

Никита Писарев»,»»,1381000141088,,[]
пишет: for other nations

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1380912650962,,[]
пишет: Wrong.

Brighton DeChienne»,»»,1380912601341,,[]
пишет: Absolutely.

cameron cartex»,»»,1380827680032,,[]
пишет: so true i'm scottish

Sozlled .»,»»,1380717234761,,[]
пишет: I wonder what the etymology of that word is, any Google search for it just reverts to "Scottish".

Oh and it's DEFINITELY a coincidence.

Monika Heinze»,»»,1380630849048,,[]
пишет: true
